Top Must Haves on a Tiny Homestead & the Wish List

Because I can't have it all so I have to prioritize and plan carefully what the "must haves" will be for our tiny homestead.
1. Gardens: vegetable & herb. I plan to use the square foot gardening methods and make square beds. I also plan to make flower beds around the house to plant my herbs & a few veggies. A few things I've learned so far; plant marigolds with tomatoes, make a "Three Sisters Garden" which is Corn, two weeks later beans and then a couple weeks later squash.
2. Chickens. For eggs, meat & they are garden helpers, eating bugs & leaving behind "fertilizer"
3. Compost. To make great use of our excess
4. Fruit Trees. Planted at the edges of the property
5. Berry Patches.

In addition I would like to add:
1.Bee Hives
2. One or two Goats
3. A Horse (Just because I've always wanted a horse to ride)
4. Small Stock Pond: Catfish & Bass

If we had a large homestead I'd add cows. But since my boys are hunters we'll stock our freezer with deer meat.
And in the evenings I want to swing on my front porch, sip lemonade & admire it all.
For details & how to on Three Sisters Gardening
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